Monday 20 April 2015

Virender Sehwag: An Inspiration to All

Virender Sehwag is a man who has achieved many a things in his life, from cricket records to respect from fans and cricketers. He is a very aggressive batsman, as we can usually see in most of his innings. But the question is, What makes him inspire others? The simple answer to this question is- his being simple by nature and calm approach. He has been an inspiration to many people and he will be an inspiration to many more. Many of the cricketers like David Warner, Yusuf Pathan and David Miller give the credit of their success to Viru.
Virender Sehwag has inspired many people. He is an INSPIRATION!!
     In a recent interview, Sehwag, on being asked a question, said "Player watch vidoes to find their mistakes. I watch them to enjoy my boundaries.This shows how simple and straight forward he is by nature.
   Virender Sehwag has two triple centuries in Test cricket and a double century in one day international. He has also been awarded the Padma Shree award and has been the Wisden Leading cricketer for two years. But, there is not even a little bit of ego and arrogance in him. This is a very very important quality which makes you a great human being. Virender Sehwag has this quality and he is a great person, we all know.

  Inspiration to the Cricketers:

David Warner

In an interview, David Warner has said:
  • "When I went to Dehli, Sehwag watched me a couple of times and said to me 'You'll be a better Test cricketer than what you will be a Twenty20 player' "
  • "He(Sehwag) always says that the more balls that you see you're going to be tempted to try and score runs but you've just got to keep in the back of your mind what your zones are"
  • "He's a great player that I've looked up to in the last couple of years, especially when I've been training with him and seeing how he goes about his stuff"
  • Warner has given the credit of his success in Test Cricket to Sehwag.
  • "Sehwag inspired me"

Yusuf Pathan

In an interview, on being asked about his inspiration, Pathan said:
Yusuf Pathan says that the Daredevil approach in him has come from Sehwag.
  • "The obvious answer to that is Sachin Tendulkar. But the daredevil approach in me has come from Virender Sehwag."

David Miller

David Miller, in an interview said:
Miller says that Sehwag has been one of his heroes and there is so much to learn from him.

  • "He (Sehwag) has been one of my heroes and there’s so much one can learn from him. One thing I would really like to imbibe from him is his courage of conviction."

  • “Over the years, he has been so consistent with the way he approaches his game and prepares for it. He has such strong self-belief that it doesn’t matter what anyone says about his game. He has achieved greatness on his own terms."    

Not only these cricketers. But, many other cricketers and fans have been inspired by this great man.

So, getting back on the subject of his calm and quiet approach, we can find many instances of him being a man of a calm approach:

  • In a Test match against Pakistan, Sehwag was batting on 295... The master Sachin Tendulkar was the non-striker. Sehwag told Sachin that if Saqlain Mushtaq comes to bowl, he will definitely hit a six. But, Sachin protested his decision and told him not to hit any shot which can get him out. But, Sehwag was very firm on his decision. He smashed the ball over the fence for a six to compete his memorable maiden triple century. After hitting the six, Sachin also applauded for the daring act.
    Sehwag celebrates after hitting the famous six and completing his 300.. (Behind) Sachin applauds.
  • Sehwag has said that, "When you are in good form, even a good bowler won’t give you a problem" on being asked whether he has a problem facing a particular bowler.

So, it is a quiet clear fact that Virender Sehwag is an inspiration to all. One more TRUTH is that , It is very hard to find a person like Virender Sehwag and in cricket, I can say that we are not going to see a cricketer like him in future.

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